Здравствуйте! Скажите, кто нибудь рожал в Фернандес?
Как опыт?
И сколько стоит родить кесаревом в Алемане:) заранее спасибо ☀️🌱 Аргентина
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Thank you very much for contacting us.
The approximate cost of maternity hospitalization is $500,770.28 ARS.- (includes 3 days of hospitalization after delivery, and newborn care).
In case of caesarean section, the approximate cost is $693,664.18 ARS.- (includes 5 days of hospitalization after delivery, and newborn care).
These values contemplate normal care, they do not cover neonatology in case there are complications.
Then you must consider the approximate cost of medical consultations and studies:
Ultrasounds $5,265.93ARS.-
Fetal monitoring $7,289.54 ARS.-
Medical consultation $5,099.35ARS.-
For all types of care, you must bring your passport or ID.
To make an appointment with an obstetrician, you can call or write to us, our direct number is +5411 4827-7013.
это алеман. Какие-то боты вступают постоянно